/*   Serial communication with the Arduino 
 *   using any serial communication application
 * Setup: -Wire an LED from digital pin 7 thru 330ohm resistor to gnd
 *        - Connect a servo to +, gnd and digital pin 9 
 #include <Servo.h>              // Arduino library for servo motors
 byte inByte;
 int LEDpin = 7;
 int servoPin = 9; // variable for servo pin number
 int servoPosition;
 Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo 
                // a maximum of eight servo objects can be created 

 void setup(){
    Serial.begin(9600);         // Begin serial communication
    pinMode(LEDpin, OUTPUT); 
    myservo.attach(servoPin);   // attaches the servo on pin 9 to servo object    

void loop(){
    if (Serial.available() > 0){           // only if serial data's there
       inByte = Serial.read();             // read it, store in inByte                       
            if (inByte == 49){             // if serial value = "1" key
               digitalWrite(LEDpin, HIGH); // light LED
               servoPosition = 5;   
               myservo.write(servoPosition);   // tell servo to go to position

                } else if(inByte == 50) {      // Key is "2"  
               digitalWrite(LEDpin, LOW); // turn LED off
               servoPosition = 175;   
               myservo.write(servoPosition);   // tell servo to go to position